Wednesday, November 25, 2015

                                                    (The Carpenter & the Hammer)

     You may hear them often used to describe the same thing. I pose the question, is there a difference between the two? Or are they merely another way to say the same thing? In my opinion . . . absolutely! Let me explain . . .
Personal Protection is a State of Awareness, a mentality that is predicated on being prepared, taking a pro active approach to Personal Defense. You have heard me quote over and over that Personal Protection is NOT your right, it's your RESPONSIBILITY. It's what allows you the ability to assess a potential threat before it happens and choose the appropriate action, primary objectives being to avoid, escape or deescalate.
      Now on the other hand, Self-Defense implies that Self Defense was needed, that a threat has already presented itself in a physical attack and now you must respond to eliminate the threat, primary objectives being to overwhelm your opponent with so much violence that they no longer want to/or have the ability to continue their attack. It goes along the the premise that Violence is never the answer, but when it is . . . it's the only answer. See the difference?
      Now with that said, understand they are like two sides to the same coin, they both have the ultimate goal to "Go Home Safe". Self Defense is a modality of Personal Protection. Like a carpenter and his hammer, "Self Defense" is the hammer, while "Personal Protection" is the Carpenter.

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