Wednesday, November 25, 2015



You have heard that when shit and fan meet in the street you will fight like you train . . . anyone in the know, knows this to be true. If you train in a Martial Art sport modality (competitive arena for points and titles) then the rules inherent to the sport will dictate your actions in the street. Sport modalities have rules to protect the fighter from injuries that can be "Career Enders" . . . and rightly so. Even with the rules in play, competitors still receive career ending injuries, but they are rare, but now imagine if biting, head-butting, groin strikes, submission breaks, eye gouging and over all malice intention was allowed . . . you would see a very different event. So to think that training in a sport modality will give you all the necessary skills for the street is faulty logic. Does that mean that a Martial Artist in a sport modality can not defend themselves in the street? . . . Of course not. They may be able to defend themselves, but at some point they will come up short. Think of what the street presents that a sport modality doesn't . . . multiple attackers, weapons, blitz attacks and all with the malice intent to take your property or your life, or both. Think about it this way . . . in a competition when a competitor is grossly injured, what happens? The ref steps in and the competition is over. What happens in the street where there are no refs or rules? You are at the complete mercy of the attacker, and if they decide to stop you got lucky, but now a days it can/and does go to the extreme.
With that said we will step into the "Pavement Arena", Reality Self Defense. We train with the understanding that we are here to do what ever it takes, for as long as it takes, so that we can go home safe. The attacker cares nothing about us . . . so we care nothing about them. We practice scenarios and stress drills, we surround you with multiple attackers, we train for defending against guns, knives, bats, etc . . . We train strikes that have no rules, sounds like we got it covered right? Yes . . . and No!
Here is the dilemma . . . You can just go through the motions, without the proper mentality, without full commitment . . . and in the end you are not much better off. The key lies in the mentality behind the training, the intensity that you bring to it, the understanding to access aggression during training that makes the difference. So if you are training a reality self defense system without the "Reality" . . . then you are only getting a small peace of a very large pie . . . so train hard, train with intensity, train with the right mindset, train with the right tools & tactics and the wolf will cower in fear when he runs into a sheepdog.

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